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Morgridge Academy

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About Us

The Morgridge Academy is a unique, day school program for approximately 90 students in grades K-8 who require medical assistance during the normal school day. Children who attend the school have medical problems, which have caused frequent absences from regular school. Morgridge Academy demonstrates that school absences due to asthma and other chronic illnesses can be reduced.

To help parents and students, we offer free transportation options and serve free breakfast and lunch daily.

Colorado Department of Education

The school is approved by the Colorado Department of Education and is located on the grounds of National Jewish Health in Denver. Morgridge Academy enrolls students who have a variety of chronic diseases, such as asthma, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, sickle cell anemia or heart problems. Because of their serious illnesses, these children require immediate access to medical attention, which they cannot get at regular schools. These children also have missed many days of school and have fallen below grade level. Morgridge Academy helps students get their health condition under control and get their academics back on track.

Academic Program

Students enrolled in Morgridge Academy follow a rigorous academic program augmented by arts and physical education. The curriculum is designed to provide a broad-based education. State standards are emphasized, while encouraging advanced work for students in areas of special interest and competence. Small classes of 12-15 students encourage both group and individual learning experiences.

Whole-Child Approach

Physical, social and emotional needs of students are met while addressing the educational needs of each child. Students know that if they are having a stressful day, they will receive medical assistance, if necessary, and be able to continue with their studies.


The goals of the program are to help students achieve academic and physical excellence and become independent, self-reliant and responsible. With appropriate instruction, students can learn specific self-care practices, which will enable them to monitor their own illnesses and lead productive, meaningful, active lives.

Medical Education

Our nurses provide daily education for each student, and their families, about their particular illness. We encourage self-care through learning about treatment and management techniques. Emphasis is placed on the students accepting responsibility and learning to deal realistically with illness.

Supported by Donations

Because of the specialized programs and services offered at Morgridge Academy, operating costs are much greater than a typical public school. The annual budget for the school is approximately $2.4 million each year. Of this amount, about $640,000 is reimbursed through the Colorado Department of Education and other government sources. To continue to operate Morgridge Academy, more than $1.3 million must be raised through private contributions each year. National Jewish Health supporters have always provided what we need and more.

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