Training & Resources
Our librarians have created personalized guides that pull together information about specific subjects of interest. They are meant to be a convenient starting point for learning about a particular tool or database, or a more in-depth reference tool for more complex topics.
Administrative Assistants
Information for administrative staff to become familiarized with the services the Medical Library provides and find key resources that will aid administrative assistants in supporting clinicians, practitioners, and researchers at NJH.
Archives and NJH History
This guide provides a set of books and web sites where you will find information about the history of National Jewish and its founders, as well as information about our archives, held at the University of Denver’s Beck Archives.
Guide to resources, research, guidelines, databases, and search strategies associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Data Management
Resources for managing biomedical and clinical research data.
EndNote is the industry standard software tool for publishing and managing bibliographies, citations and references on the Windows and Macintosh desktop. This guide contains tutorials, tip sheets, and answers to commonly asked questions.
Finding Full Text
Information about how to access full text articles and ebooks through our subscriptions. Learn how to request material via interlibrary loan (ILL).
My NCBI, My Bibliography, & SciENcv
Covers an introduction to My NCBI accounts and the associated tools. A My NCBI account is required to save a list of publications in PubMed, create a biosketch, and manage peer reviewed article compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy.
Patient & Visitor Resources
Find information and resources for patients and visitors to National Jewish Health. This guide contains information on finding consumer health resources, Colorado and Denver tourism, and NJH history.
Scholarly Publishing
This guide covers topics such as research impact and citation reports, open access publishing, copyright, retractions, ORCID, submitting articles to PubMed Central and more.
Search Services: Advanced
Information about our advanced searching services that require ongoing librarian collaboration and support, including scoping reviews, systematized reviews, and practice guidelines.
Subscription Databases
These guides provide training and help for all of our subscription databases.