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5 Common Colorado Allergens That Can Get in the Way of Gardening

This information was reviewed and approved by Flavia Cecilia Lega Hoyte, MD (4/1/2024).

For those who have a green thumb, springtime means getting back to gardening. However, depending on where you live, your flowerbeds and vegetable rows also may host numerous allergens. If you have pollen allergies, exposure to trees, grasses and/or weeds can put a damper on your seasonal hobby if you’re not prepared. 

Making sure you’re on top of your medications by taking them regularly and before allergy season begins is a great way to stay ahead of allergic reactions. But it also helps to be able to identify the usual suspects that might be causing you to drop your spade and dig out a tissue. 

We’ve detailed five common springtime allergens in Colorado so that you can take the precautions you need to enjoy the season. Useful tips include covering your skin with clothing and making sure you shower as soon as you come back inside. As always, talking with your doctor about the specific symptoms you’re experiencing is extremely helpful in controlling allergies.