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New Years Tips

New Year's TipsA new year, a new you. Now that the holidays are over, a healthy lifestyle is achievable even if it might feel overwhelming right now. Set realistic goals for yourself and tackle them in small portions to see results.

Learn more about living a healthy lifestyle.



Popular New Year's Resolutions

Reduce Stress

“Stress is a reaction to changes in life. Changes do happen, so when they occur be ready with your best coping strategies. Deep breathing, relaxation, physical activity, meditation, and music are all strategies that can help you reduce stress.” 
- Amy Lukowski, PsyD



"Treat the 1st of every month like the 1st of every year. That way if you've fallen off your diet during January, February 1st is a new opportunity to get back to it."
- Carrie Gleeksman, MS, RD, Clinical Dietician



"Start gradual with small goals and slowly build up to your long term goals. Don't expect to be able to run a marathon the first time you go out."
- Josh Fruchtman, PT


Quit Smoking

"Smoking is a very orally fixated habit. One tip many have not heard of is the "Straw Method." Find a straw that has the width of a cigarette, cut the straw down to the size of a cigarette, stuff the straw with cotton-this acts as a filter. Puff on that instead."
- Robert Shaw, Colorado Quitline Counselor


Get a Better Job

"When thinking about changing jobs or careers, networking is crucial. Recruiters are regularly using the internet to find candidates, so post your resume on all of the major job boards, as well as creating and using a profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn provides a networking site for professionals and the more connections you have in your field, or field of interest, the better. LinkedIn also provides a group section where you can join groups, write or read blogs, learn about events, and discuss a variety of topics including job opportunities and changing career fields. There is also a recommendations section, so ask colleagues and former supervisors to complete a recommendation for your online profile.

Make sure to have someone review your resume; it is much easier for a second set of eyes to catch typos and errors. They might be able to provide feedback about how easy your resume is to read and understand. Make sure that your name, address, phone number and e-mail are included and prominently displayed. You may not believe it, but some resumes still come in to H.R. Departments missing vital contact information. Also note, that even though it was a best practice years ago, today’s recruiters do not want to see a photo of you, your age, marital status, number of children, or hobbies on your resume. Instead include volunteer work, extra training, certifications or other areas of community involvement if you like.

Make sure your resume is detailed but not so long that no recruiter will read it. The general rule is that your resume should be one page if you have less than five years of experience, two pages if you have five to ten years of experience, and three pages or longer if you have more than ten years of experience. Happy job hunting!"
- Natalie Landau, SPHR, CDR, Human Resources Director