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National Jewish Health Launches We Never Say Never® Campaign



“We Never Say Never®” Defines How National Jewish Health Cares for Patients


National Jewish Health in Denver, Colorado, named by U.S. News & World Report as the #1 respiratory hospital in the U.S., is launching a new campaign created by DIGO Brands in New York City.

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"'We never say never' captures the spirit behind the extraordinary commitment and expertise that National Jewish Health brings to the treatment of people with respiratory, cardiovascular, immune and related disorders,” says Mark DiMassimo, DIGO CEO and Chief Creative Officer. “‘We never say never’ is the reason so many things that were once impossible are now routine, and it’s the reason that the intractable, the untreatable, the incurable and the unmanageable are routinely turned around at this leading academic medical center.”

The 111-year-old institution is known worldwide for treatment of the most challenging patients and for groundbreaking medical research. Its renowned faculty integrate the latest scientific discoveries with a team approach to deliver unsurpassed medical care.

Michael Salem, M.D., President and CEO of National Jewish Health, says, “When I heard the line ‘We never say never,’ I realized instantly that these four words describe what differentiates National Jewish Health. Patients hear a lot of ‘never’ out there. At National Jewish Health, we are committed to finding solutions where others have not. It’s enormously satisfying to know that we’re giving patients hope and life.”

National Jewish Health assigned the account to DIGO in July 2010 after a nationwide search. The new campaign encompasses television, radio, digital, newspaper, magazines and out of home. Media will run nationally.

“We have always been a national institution,” adds Salem. “Patients from around the country with respiratory, cardiovascular, immune and related diseases have come to Denver and National Jewish Health for 111 years.”

DIGO Brands, founded in 1996 by Mark DiMassimo, is a brand-driven growth network. Our companies work together seamlessly to help ambitious organizations grow. DIGO Brands have partnered with visionary leaders on many of the extraordinary growth successes of the past two decades. These include Comcast, Crunch Fitness, JetBlue, National Jewish Health, Island, ESPN, HBO, Citi, Gateway, McKinsey, thinkorswim and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

DIGO Brands includes DiMassimo Goldstein, a leading full-service brand, advertising, direct and digital agency; PROOF accountable media planning and buying; DIGO/Ericho public relations and social marketing, brand-driven content, entertainment and digital products; and the Tappening and Offlining movements. 

National Jewish Health is the leading respiratory hospital in the nation. Founded 125 years ago as a nonprofit hospital, National Jewish Health today is the only facility in the world dedicated exclusively to groundbreaking medical research and treatment of children and adults with respiratory, cardiac, immune and related disorders. Patients and families come to National Jewish Health from around the world to receive cutting-edge, comprehensive, coordinated care. To learn more, visit the media resources page.

We have many faculty members, from bench scientists to clinicians, who can speak on almost any aspect of respiratory, immune, cardiac and gastrointestinal disease as well as lung cancer and basic immunology.

Our team is available to arrange interviews, discuss events and story ideas.