Black Lung Clinic
877.255.LUNG (1.877.255.5864)
There are more than 5,000 current miners in Colorado, and many more ex-miners and retired miners who are at increased risk for lung disease, heart disease and hearing loss.
Free Health Screening
You are eligible for a FREE screening through the Black Lung Clinic if you have been a miner for six months or more.
Call Today: 1.877.255.5864
Black Lung Clinics across the nation, including at National Jewish Health, receive grant funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to provide free health screenings and other services to current and retired coal miners. Watch how this program helps support those living with mining related lung disease.
Qualifications for a Free Screening
You are eligible for a free screening through the Black Lung Clinic if you have been a miner for six months or more.
Screening Clinic Locations
The Black Lung Clinic has appointments year round at National Jewish Health in Denver. We also hold annual outreach clinics in partnership with local hospitals in Craig, Montrose, and Pueblo, Colorado as well as Page, Arizona. For more information about our clinics, see the Miners Clinic page or call us at 1.877.255.5864.
Illnesses That Miners Face
Exposure to dusts, fumes, smoke, radiation, noise, and chemicals place miners at increased risk for several ailments. These include:
Pneumoconiosis (Black Lung and Silicosis)
Noise-induced Hearing Loss
How These Illnesses Are Detected
The Black Lung Clinic offers in-depth confidential screening for mining-related illnesses and other conditions. Early diagnosis and medical care can often make a difference in quality of life and long-term survival.
FREE screening services include:
Medical and occupational history questionnaire
Physical exam
Audiometry (hearing test)- Denver Clinic only
Spirometry (breathing test)
Chest X-ray with B-reads (Detecting lung abnormalities caused by dust inhalation)
Oximetry (oxygen level in blood)
Health education
Black Lung Service Provider for Department of Labor
As part of the Department of Labor (DOL) Black Lung Benefits Act, coal miners who have filed a claim for benefits may be authorized to have a pulmonary evaluation paid for by the Department of Labor. The Occupational Lung Disease Clinic at National Jewish Health is a recognized provider for these black lung medical evaluations.
Learn more about the Black Lung Benefits Act.
View a list of regional office contacts for the DOL Coal Workers' Compensation Program.